- Building number
- 43
- Street address
- Inverleith Row
- Case number
- 21/00206/ELBB
- Type of notice
- Listed Building Enforcement Notice
- Recipient
- The Owner, The Occupier, The Lessee, Mr Riccardo Gallo
- Breach of activities
- Without listed building consent, the installation of a glazed dooor to a rear conservatory, the installation of glass & mental balustrading to the flat roof of a rear extension, and the installation of an external metal stair with privacy screening attached
- Requirements
- Reinstate the rear elevation of the listed building at 43 Inverleith Row by: 1 remove the unauthrised glazed door and replace it with a full height glazed window to match existing glazing within the conservatory 2. remove the unauthorised glass & metal balustrade in its entirety and repair any resulting damage using appropriate materials to match the existing roof. 3. remove the unauthorised external metal stair & privacy screen in its entirety and repair any resulting damage using appropiate materials to match the existing stonework
- Effective date
- 29/09/2022
- Withdraw of notice
- NO
- Date of compliance
- NO
- More information